COVID-19: Reading the Numbers

May 13, 2020;  US Tragedy-Count at 82K and rising…

Everybody is getting bombarded with numbers, statistics related to Covid-19 infections & sometimes with little explanation of their underlying significance. For example Russia: They report a little over 2K deaths (henceforth more correctly referred to as tragedies!). They also report 242+K infections, but say that is because of new testing, implying these are “old” cases already there and –somehow- just now being discovered. If you assume a reasonable average under 5% fatality rate (Sorry , there is no euphemism for the ultimate infection result.), they will in the not too distant future report over 10K tragedies. That they report such a low tragedy rate shows only these are likely newer cases – and rising quickly.

The virus is everywhere, still as infectious as ever. Only our perceptions are changing over time…

There is a graph on the Financial Times website comparing countries’ tragedy rate with all countries starting at the same point. That is, juxtaposed from when the individual country first reported 3 tragedies. Most graphs are normal: fast rise, plateau, eventually a more gradual descent. Currently the exceptions are Mexico & Brazil with both still in their initial rise, the latter heading direct to USA numbers -by far the highest- quickly. Did we mention that both those two countries -USA & Brazil- have national leaders who have been among the loudest in their downplaying of Covid-19 as something not to worry about, that it will “go away” on its own? Surprised that England is high up there with them?

The dominant feature we take from this graph -however- is the slope China took from peak to almost no cases. When you consider the severity of their lockdown & the extent of their testing/tracing during this period it should be apparent that this slope – the angle of descent– is perhaps a best-case scenario, a benchmark in any case.

Opening up prematurely in the various US states will guarantee that the US together will never achieve this slope! Other countries, where the populace is not as caustically divided as in the US & the people in general have more trust in their governments, have implemented lockdowns more successfully, but have still not achieved China’s descending slope. We all still have a long, hard road ahead. Moreover, the continuing emphasis by the US federal government on opening in the US, while still neglecting expansion of critically all-important testing/tracing, instead pushing all responsibility on the states (later the convenient recipients of all the blame for what the federal government should have done at the very beginning!) will keep the tragedy graph of the USofA meandering… a little down, some up, down…up…maybe big up even. In any case, it is our sorrowful evaluation that if this graph does not go down drastically, the 2020 Santa Claus will bring the USofA a tragedy count of at least a quarter, and quite possibly a half a million!!!

2020: The Coming American Constitutional Crisis

2020: The Coming American Constitutional Crisis                     May 9, 2020

Where to start? Perhaps with a vacuous academic description of how when a large, complicated system experiences a large growing number of many small problems mounting cause the risk factor of a major disruption to rise….nah: the major disruptions are already starting to mount. We have added a specific date – when the unthinkable happens, don’t say you weren’t warned. Perhaps a better way to date this post – or any happening – is by the number of US Covid-19 deaths (tragedies). Currently we stand at 75K; the number is growing; the federal leadership is just as ineffective as a remedy as it was at the beginning. All-important testing is only happening regularly in the WH, while states are still struggling individually, some less than others.

But this leadership is not inactive: The Justice Department – through the Chief Deplorable’s political hack Barr – has finally showed beyond doubt that it serves only to achieve any personal interest or vendettas that the greatest FAKE PRESIDENT the USA has ever experienced wishes; the intelligence community has been constantly belittled in the eyes of the public and is about to be led by another political hack who will work to achieve the same there; Congress has been sidelined as a controlling factor in the normal, all-important balance of power; the Republican leader in the Senate seriously expounds the ludicrous, absolutely catastrophic idea that US states should go into bankruptcy. The Chief Deplorable talks about not saving “blue states”. His armed supporters gather in state capitols.

The USA has had – and survived – corrupt Presidents (think Harding). The USA has had – and survived – leaders of limited intellectual capabilities (think little Busch). But the coming crucial question of late 2020 – in our humble opinion – will be if the USA can survive an utterly egotistical, corrupt, dumb, sui generis FAKE PRESIDENT? What did the first Sec/State of this administration, a man who led one of the biggest, richest corporation on earth, say after his very short stint: he threw up his hands and said (of this FAKE PRESIDENT) “ He’s an idiot!”. Yes, we’ve had idiots in the WH before, but they let others (including a corrupt Vice) run the show. No, we have a hopeless egotist who says he is a “stable genius” who insists that he has “absolute power”, yet incapable of seeing anything beyond his own little world of personal ambitions. Literally an American Nero – singing his own praises – while Covid-19 fire is burning through the land!!

So much of what the Chief Deplorable does – disgusting language, despicable ruining of careers of any civil servant crossing his ire, letting his family run amok with government services for crony deals…. The list is endless – has all become just daily news and thereby just so run-of-the-mill, just so stock that it’s almost starting to be boring – if you ignore the trend, the consequences.

Let’s see what the landscape will look like in the Fall & onward of 2020. What will be the circumstances around a most decisive, critical 2020 election? First, it should be tragically apparent that the delayed, then mixed messaging, the utter lack of national leadership will guarantee that COVID-19 will still be raging. The blaming game will expand stepwise, but do nothing to alleviate this national cataclysm. Any other leader – even a mediocre opportunist politician – would have listened to the early warnings, acted quickly, decisively, then basked in euphoric glory as people saw the destruction in other vast parts of the globe. No, this fake leader mired in his petty, personal little world ignored whatever did not affect him immediately. So now his short-sighted, fatal strategy is to let Americans die for the sake of a supposedlygrowing economy. But will this economy come back? Can this economy under such dire circumstances even come back? Not a snowball’s chance in Hell!

So, here comes the existential 2020 Presidential Election in November 2020. Since this Fake President thinks in simple terms let’s describe the situation in simple elements: his “base” loves to come out in the open (with their automatic weapons), without masks, ready for violence, convinced they represent The American Way; while more rational, thinking folks prefer to adhere to health authorities’ guidelines and stay at home to protect themselves & their loved ones. Easy to see that the former will come out to vote while the latter would much prefer absentee balloting. The obvious answer will be to eliminate the latter! If not successful, then make it as difficult as possible with complicated paperwork to register, enact additional silly requirements; and ultimately look for any means possible to not count those votes. Remember how quickly the state unemployment systems were broken by sheer volumes of applications. The same will happen with absentee ballots – also in the hands of state administrations. Are the states getting any help from the federal gobmnt for their broken finances? Could it be that Republican governors are already scheming thinking about how their underfunded systems will be simply unable to process so many absentee ballots? Is there any discussion of improving state resources for such an onslaught of absentee ballots? Instead, Republicans want the states to declare bankruptcy, thereby ensuring they will not have the resources for mail-in voting. Remember that this FAKE PRESIDENT lost the popular vote in 2016 to a very unpopular opponent (Sorry Hillary, I didn’t like you either, even if I did vote for you – just too much funny-money coming into your foundation.). A small voting segment could make all the difference again in spite of this bungling “stable genius” telling people on national TV to maybe drink bleach or indulge in UV tanning sessions.

In polling places, Americans should not be surprised to be accosted by armed men with MAGA caps, asking them if they “love their country”. Probably laws exist against guns around polling places, but remember how easy it was for relatively small, partially armed groups to convince governors – especially Republican – to quickly overturn any health directives for social distancing? And then there will be the massive Russian trolls doing their best to sow discord & spread disinformation. They will be free to operate with the Justice Department and American intelligence agencies in reign from political hacks appointed by this FAKE PRESIDENT to lead those agencies with the express mandate to allow the Russians any trolling activity. We are convinced that the Russians have some depraved dirt on their/our Chief Deplorable, collected when he was in Moscow for the beauty contest he ran there. Only that could explain how obliging he has been to Russian wishes, downright disparaging of American intelligence community activities & judgments, and downright sabotaging any & all attempts to disclose the truth of the extent of Russian hacking activities.

Let’s be clear about Russian aims. The country is a giant mafia gas station: it cannot compete on the world stage except in the military realm. That’s why instead of effectively fighting Covid-19, doctors are mysteriously falling out of windows all over the country. When you cannot bring yourself up to the level of the competition, you try to bring the competition down to your level. What better way than to have a Fake President divide the nation; denigrate the rule of law; do anything against efforts at national unity in such a critical time? The most telling incident for us was when the Chief Deplorable explained why he did not wear face masks. He said it would not be appropriate when he met with “Kings, ….”. He did not say “heads of state”, instead the first category that came to this Fake President’s simple, egotistical mind was “kings”. Because that is what he thinks of himself – a king! And we all know kings do not have any need for elections.

Ok, call us alarmist & assume the election is safe. First, what will happen when in late Summer when Americans are still dying by the thousands, economic activity is tepid (Consumers still staying away from open activities.), and polls show this FAKE PRESIDENT distinctly losing? Does anyone think he will hesitate to provoke a hot war – with Iran most likely, but maybe even China – to make him a “real” war president? Will Pentagon generals, types like our current sec/state pompous, arise to the occasion and volunteer to push the button? What will these generals do when the FAKE PRESIDENT cancels the election because of another “national emergency”, a pandemic already almost 1 year old?

Ok, call us alarmist & assume the election was safe, but the Chief Deplorable lost. Does anyone believe we will have a “lame duck” Chief Deplorable in check for many weeks before a takeover by a new administration? There of course will be the fear that honest law enforcement will arise in 2021 and look at all the deal-making by Jared in medical supplies, as well as other financial dealings; a new aspiration to accost Russian meddling in American elections & delve deep into the extent of their efforts & who they were trying to help. What frantic, audacious actions will be taken to keep tell-all books from being written, various investigations from being started, and federal employees – no longer in fear of retribution – from testifying? Will he then start a war and call the election void as a “war president” in a “national emergency”? Will he call the vote “fake” and declare it as void?

Ok, call us alarmist & assume the election was safe, and the Chief Deplorable won. The Chief Deplorable will finally & quickly build his wall, but it won’t stop us from leaving because this will no longer be the America we love & respect! And it won’t be safe either….